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We appreciate you using the Quick Enquiry form to make contact with us.

We realise that you are busy so thanks for taking a few moments to fill out the form or e-mail us.

Feel free to share with us any details that will help us respond to your enquiry. All information is treated in the strictest confidence.

It would be our pleasure to assist you.
We look forward to being in contact with you soon.

Greater change success

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Faster project time

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Clearer communication

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Greater depth of impact

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Faster employee acceptance times

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Increased sustainability

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Higher employee take-up rates

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Greater change efficiency

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Enhanced culture change

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Reduced employee uncertainty

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Greater employee buy-in

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Faster up-skilling of employees

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Support for change leaders

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Why partner with us?

Taking on change or inertia in any organisation requires a massive amount of energy, skill and determination. Change programs often have many challenges and a great many mountains to climb behind the scenes. That's why change management is often viewed as one of the most challenging things an organisation, business unit, division or team can undertake.

We make change as easy, simple and painless as possible. Our experience and unique approaches enable organisations, teams and individuals to achieve tangible results that make a real difference.

Our core difference

Our core difference is the unique integration of both hard and soft interventions, delivered simultaneously. For example, we combine elements such as strategic thinking and emotional engagement in a way that maximises performance and results.

Hard-core processes

Strategy, analysis, planning and alignment

Our core difference

Human-centred approach

Human motivation and emotional engagement

Our program benefits

There are a number of benefits to partnering with Strategic Transformation.

Greater change success

Our unique blend of methodologies significantly increases change success. It can be the difference between success and failure. 70% of change interventions fail. When this happens, it becomes significantly more difficult to effect change on the second or third occasion. We give change the greatest chance of success on the first occasion.

Clearer, direct and more efficient transformation

The tight integration of our strategy, implementation and change processes ensures that transformation initiatives are clear, direct and efficient. This enables maximum benefit in the least amount of time.

Greater employee take-up rates and faster acceptance times

Using our human-centered strategic transformation processes ensures greater employee take-up rates in a shorter period of time. This enables the organisation to move faster capitalising on opportunities that it may have otherwise lost.

Greater depth of impact and sustainability

Our comprehensive programs achieve greater depth, realising higher levels of sustainability and long-term impact. We often receive comments from very experienced senior executives expressing their surprise at the level to which we go to creating effectivechange.

Faster overall project time

We consistently shorten the length of project times. The combination of our processes ensures that change happens faster, ensuring substantial savings in project costs. The increased speed of change varies on each project. It can be up to 30%-40% faster, or as high as 60%-70% (or more) on some occasions.

Greater buy-in from stakeholders

High levels of energy and emotional engagement are a hallmark of our work. Greater buy-in across multiple stakeholder groups creates widespread behavioural change, project acceptance, and organisational momentum.

Enhanced, mid to long-term culture change

We pride ourselves on ‘raising the bar’ for individuals and groups, resulting in a more positive and productive culture. This leaves a legacy long after the intervention is completed.

Professional support for change leaders

Change is the most challenging and confronting thing leaders can do. It is highly demanding. Often, ordinary leadership isn’t enough to create and sustain change. We coach leaders to be extraordinary, giving them increased confidence, skill and determination.

Faster up skilling of employees

Internal talent is used, extensively, throughout most of our interventions. Involving employees not only provides a financial benefit, but significantly builds internal capabilities — thereby providing greater agility to the organisation.

Clearer communication and reduction of uncertainty

The strategic component of our processes ensures greater clarity around transformation initiatives ensuring that any change is “clearly understood” within the organisation. Reinforcing this with strong communication reduces employee uncertainty and increases productivity. productivity.

Could your organisation benefit from partnering with us?

We offer a free, no-obligation one hour discussion about what can be done to develop and enhance your organisation, business unit, department or team. Whether your challenge is small and requires minor adjustments, or a complex major intervention, we’d be happy to help you understand all of the options, benefits and possible pathways forward. All our conversations are strictly confidential.

Contact us to arrange a discussion
transformational processes

There is a significant opportunity cost in multiple attempts at change.


Request A Complimentary Discussion

Brief us regarding your requirements below and let’s connect

We would be delighted to speak with you. We understand that every organisation is different and that sometimes it’s difficult to know exactly what to do or where to start. Kindly fill out the form, or e-mail us telling us about your organisation and what you would like to discuss. We will then be in touch to arrange a suitable time for a confidential discussion.

It would be our pleasure to assist you. We look forward to talking with you soon.