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It would be our pleasure to assist you.
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Change Management
Create a change environment

Change Management Benefits

Change Management
Avoid resistance​​

Change Management Benefits

Change Management
Seize change opportunities​​

Change Management Benefits

Change Management
Communicate professionally​​

Change Management Benefits

Change Management
Elicit behavioural change

Change Management Benefits

Change Management
Build change foundations

Change Management Benefits

Our change management process helps organisations to
break-through barriers, transform themselves and create
new and exciting futures​

Create a change culture

Create an environment where people choose to ‘thrive’ on change, rather than resist it​
The need for change​

In today’s world of change, organisations, teams and individuals have little choice but to adapt and transform. Ironically, the only ‘constant is change’ and the only ‘certainty is uncertainty’. ​

Effective change management is the only way to take organisations forward and is more important than ever.

Thriving on change

We help transformational leaders to effectively deliver change. We assist them to impact their organisations and create ‘an environment of change’, opening up the door for tangible transformation. ​

Such a culture helps people to see change as an opportunity to thrive rather than a challenge that holds them back.

We help people to view change as an opportunity​

Elicit behavioural change

Influencing people​​

Change starts and ends with influencing people, and their
behaviour. It has been said that, “organisations don’t exist
— people do”. ​

For an organisation to change, the people within it must
change — first. Real change in people becomes evident
when there is a tangible transformation in their behavior. ​

Mindset transformation​

The first step in harnessing transformation is through
changing the mindset of the people. Change the way they
think, and their actions will reflect the change.​

For someone to change their actions, they must believe in
the assumptions and rationale for change. The process to
get them to do this can be challenging. Yet, it is critical to
ensuring that they ultimately embrace change.

Our Philosophy: Transform individual and group behaviour, and see
the organisation embrace the change on its own

Avoid change resistance​

Resistance is the enemy of change, and is the root cause of many of its failures. Resistance
to change is when individuals or teams (either overtly or covertly) become a hindrance in the
way of a positive transformation, often for their own benefit(s). ​

Managing different forms of blockage and ​
resistance is central to the change process​
Emotional engagement​

Our approach is to pre-empt resistance to the greatest
extent possible. ​

Considerable effort is made to actively engage
executives, managers and employees in the process.
Winning their hearts and minds is key to success.​

Once they are emotionally connected to the change,
they become champions of the process, not opponents.

​While some forms of resistance are inevitable, we help
individuals and groups to work through their
challenges, and reduce their resistance.

We help create strong ‘champions of change’ — rather than resistors ​

Build critical ‘change foundations’​

The importance of preparation

There are a number of steps that are necessary in preparing for any form of change.​

The emphasis, nature and style of these steps is different in every project—depending on the organisational context. ​

The ability to deliver on quality change outcomes is directly proportional to the level of effort put into the preparation for it.

​Becoming “change ready”​

One of the biggest quandaries in managing change is knowing when to ‘formally start’ the process. ​

More often than not, it is launched without doing the necessary preparation — significantly increasing the risk of failure.​

Becoming “change ready” is a necessary part of the process and provides a solid foundation for momentum to be built when the change formally begins.

We assist organisations to become truly “change ready”

Communicate change professionally​

Effective communication changes perceptions​

Communication ensures that the process of change and the rationale that underpins it is understood. It is the glue that holds the entire process together. Effective communication changes perceptions.

How we communicate

​​We use clean, sharp communication as a tool to impact and influence audience thinking.

Clear, undiluted messages that cut through ‘organisational noise’ open up and reinforce the pathway to change. Tapping into people’s minds and thought processes helps enable emotional engagement, drawing them into the process.

Clear, consistent and persuasive communication is how we​
help people understand and accept change​
Seize change opportunities

Change is more likely to succeed on the first attempt. ​

There are always exceptions, but, as a rule, it is significantly more
difficult to implement change on a second occasion.​

And, even harder on the third. People lose confidence and are
much more reluctant to move forward after each successive

This means that, in some organisations, there is little room for ‘false
starts’ and sub-optimal results. It is critical that change be
implemented in the best possible way on the first attempt.

We help organisations to maximise their
change opportunities and to realise
transformation, sooner

Let your organisation thrive​

Let your organisation thrive​

How could our implementation expertise benefit your organisation?​

An opportunity for real transformation​

Break-through barriers and enable your organisation to create
a new and exciting future for itself.

No matter where your organisation is at, our change process can
help it to transform.​

We regularly help teams to overcome major hurdles, leave the past
behind and create new opportunities. Our engaging and
motivational process enables them to navigate change with much
greater precision and success. As a result, they are able to leverage
their opportunities and capitalise on them with much greater
speed and agility.​

Why not let your team do the same?

Areas of change management assistance:​

Organisations have many needs for change, some of which may include transformation in the areas of:

  • Technology​
  • Business growth​
  • Mergers or acquisitions​
  • Culture ​
  • Performance improvement​
  • Systems and process ​
  • Management team alignment​
  • Re-branding, identity and values
  • Regulatory change​
  • Alignment of existing or new resources resources
Organisations we work with​

Our strategic planning processes are tailored for many types of organisations, including:

  • Enterprise level companies​
  • Medium sized businesses​
  • Small businesses / family owned businesses​
  • Not for profit organisations​
  • Government organisations​
  • Business units / departments / teams


Could our change management
expertise ​help your organisation to

Benefits of our change management process

Various benefits that some of our clients have experienced using our methods tools,
processes and philosophies

  • Faster project time / reduced cost​
    Faster project time / reduced cost​

    Quicker pathway to implementation and results

  • Significant culture change​
    Significant culture change​

    A more enhanced, higher performing culture​

  • Greater employee uptake rates​
    Greater employee uptake rates​

    Higher take up rates of ‘change acceptance’​

  • Higher levels of employee buy-in ​
    Higher levels of employee buy-in ​

    Strong levels of employee engagement​

  • Greater depth of impact​
    Greater depth of impact​

    Broader, deeper and more systemic overall change​

  • Clearer communication​
    Clearer communication​

    Specific, targeted and impacting messages to stakeholders

  • Increased momentum​
    Increased momentum​

    Groups driving the change forward as united teams

  • Enhanced risk mitigation​
    Enhanced risk mitigation​

    Reduced likelihood of poor outcomes​

  • Increased behavioral change​
    Increased behavioral change​

    Changed individual and group actions​

  • Enhanced knowledge​
    Enhanced knowledge​

    Increased education about change management across the organisation

How we partner with organisations

  • Our mission

    Our purpose is to partner with executives and business owners
    to improve the operational performance of their organisations.

    This may take the form of simply tweaking current practices, or
    fundamentally transforming them. We do this with a mix of
    world-class methodologies and a human-centered approach
    that helps to ‘move their organisations’ — taking them to the
    next level of performance.

    Along the way, we impart knowledge, develop skill and
    implement processes to ensure that the organisation sustains
    and builds upon the improvements.


We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach

We recognise that all organisations are different and require a unique
approach. We believe in the provision of bespoke, tailor-made solutions for
each client. Our work is specifically designed around our client’s context,
needs, and desired outcomes.

  • Formality

    Formality We follow a proven, formal process.

  • Discipline

    Discipline We follow a disciplined system — and we
    command discipline for it from our clients and their stakeholders.

  • Experience

    Experience We are highly experienced practitioners
    who are respected for our
    accomplishments and abilities.

Would you like to talk about change at your organisation?​

We offer a free, no-obligation one hour discussion about how we can enhance the process of change in your organisation.
Whether you are a large or small entity, we’d be happy to assist you in understanding all off of the options, benefits and
pathways to delivering effective transformation. All of our conversations are strictly confidential.​

Contact Us To Arrange A Discussion

Our services – stand alone, or integrated

We offer each of our key services as a stand-alone project, or integrated with our other specialities.
Some organisation’s start with strategy and then move on to implementation, change management and performance management. Others simply engage us for one service.

Click on the icons below to be taken to our other services.


Request A Complimentary Discussion

Brief us regarding your requirements below and let’s connect

We would be delighted to speak with you. We understand that every organisation is different and that sometimes it’s difficult to know exactly what to do or where to start. Kindly fill out the form, or e-mail us telling us about your organisation and what you would like to discuss. We will then be in touch to arrange a suitable time for a confidential discussion.

It would be our pleasure to assist you. We look forward to talking with you soon.