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Leading change starts with YOU

Posted on Sep 07, 2020 by st_admin

In times of crisis (such as COVID), the real character and attributes of individuals and groups becomes manifestly evident.

In the last recession, many organisations were confronted with two primary choices. They could: (a) innovate and consider new and different ways to achieve their objectives, or (b) make drastic cut-backs and peel their organisations back to a skeleton staff until the storm was over.  

It was fascinating to see how different organisations reacted.  Without exception, companies defaulted to the ‘natural inclinations’ of their leadership teams, at rapid speed. 

It underscored the simple reality that change within an organisation starts with its leaders: their philosophies, values, views of the world, risk profiles and much more.

So if you’re a leader who is considering a change in your organisation, its important to consider the following.

1. Understand who you really are

Many leaders think that they have a good idea of their own make up.  However, during times of change where there is increased pressure and intense scrutiny, their personal attributes, styles, characteristics and attitudes are laid bare for all to see.  

Often, these are ‘different’ from what the leader ‘thought’ they were.  A reality check prior to starting major change is a great investment.

2. Assess your strengths against the current organisational context

After assessing your leadership and change abilities, consider what the ‘context’ is of the organisation that you are seeking to change.  Every situation is different and requires a nuanced approach.

Are your overall leadership attributes well matched to the specific challenges that will be faced?

3.  Change yourself

After considering the above, it is likely that you will need to modify yourself in some way, shape or form.  This may take the form of doing things like: (a) adopting a different mindset, (b) amending your leadership style, (c) approaching problem solving in a different way, (d) developing or using different skills — or changing yourself in any number of different ways. 

Therefore, the first change in the organisation will likely start with YOU.

After all, how can you expect people in your organisation to change, if you’re not prepared to demonstrate leadership by changing first?

The good news is that you don’t have to do it all at once, or alone.   The idea of considering professional assistance throughout the process of personal and corporate change is a good one.  Someone who compliments your skills and style can be an invaluable asset.

So before undertaking a significant change process, obtain a realistic assessment of your skills, understand the context of the organisation that you want to change, start changing yourself, and consider seeking complimentary support to strengthen your capability and confidence.

Change is never easy.  

But these simple steps will help you prepare the most important person in the change process — you.

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It would be our pleasure to assist you. We look forward to talking with you soon.