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We realise that you are busy so thanks for taking a few moments to fill out the form or e-mail us.

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It would be our pleasure to assist you.
We look forward to being in contact with you soon.

Performance Management
Maximise performance

Performance Management Benefits

Performance Management
Enhance accountability​

Performance Management Benefits

Performance Management
Align workforce teams​

Performance Management Benefits

Performance Management
Build a high performance culture​

Performance Management Benefits

Performance Management
Develop strong capabilities

Performance Management Benefits

Performance Management
Motivate your people

Performance Management Benefits

Our performance management system helps
organisations to maximise their human assets, increase
and achieve their objectives — faster

Comprehensively manage performance​

Our performance management process is made up of a number of inter-connecting modules​
High impact​

Our performance management system offers a comprehensive
approach to managing people. It enables organisations to
maximise the management of their human assets.​

The system contains a number of modules which may be
accessed either on an individual basis, or as a overall package.

The modules of the system have been specifically designed for:​

  • Impact
  • Depth​
  • Sustainability ​
  • Pro-activity​
  • Flexibility, and​
  • Forward planning
Thoroughly enhance workforce performance
with our professional system​

Enhance accountability​

Accountability is one of the most critical aspects of performance management. It ensures that the delegation of
roles and responsibilities are undertaken in a timely and professional manner. People who are accountable are able
to be trusted with increased levels of responsibility to deliver results, and become higher valued assets. ​

Our human-centered approach fosters high levels of motivation and accountability, resulting in increased
performance, efficiency and alignment.​

Our human-centred approach motivates people to take
on high-levels of accountability​

Develop outstanding teams

The impact of high-performance teams​

High-performance teams stand out. ​

They achieve high levels of productivity because they have finely tuned, complimentary, well-rounded skill-sets. They work with seamless interdependency, are flexible in their approach and are relentless in their pursuit of excellence. They respond to situations quickly and decisively, adding value every step of the way. ​

In short, high performance teams are invaluable assets to organisations.​

Five stage process​

We guide teams through a five-stage process of high-performance development. Each stage has benchmarks and levels of
attainment that must be achieved before moving onto the next level. ​

We enable you to develop high-performance
people and to attract high-quality talent

Maximise performance reviews​

Regular, dynamic evaluation

Operational environments are generally highly dynamic places.
They require teams to be constantly assessing the current status of
things and frequently making adjustments as things change.​

Our performance review processes are tailored around this reality.​

In order to be effective, goals and targets must be dynamic, with
reviews conducted regularly and actions monitored constantly. This
enables teams to anticipate future challenges and effectively plan

Data driven, pro-active approach​

Our pro-active performance review model is driven by relevant data
from multiple sources. It is designed to provide alerts about
necessary modifications to plans, priorities and actions in advance,
enabling them to stay one step ahead.

Increasingly collaborative and networked
environments require regular, dynamic
performance reviews
Our frequently conducted reviews keep
employees on-course​

Strategically develop workforce skills​

Develop strategic competencies​

As part of the performance management process, we help individuals and teams to develop deep and sustainable skills. ​

We use a number of methods in the process — one of which is the use of competency frameworks. ​

Our competency framework process is sharply focused on developing the necessary skills required to achieve objectives and strategies

We help organisations to:​

– Assess individual and team competencies​
– Create professional development plans​
– Formulate competency frameworks​
– Develop training needs analysis (TNA)​
– Construct talent acquisition and retention strategies

Highly competent individuals and groups
deliver superior results​
We help organisations to design specific competency
development frameworks that directly align to objectives

Align workforce performance​

Our performance management system ensures that actions are tightly aligned to strategies,
objectives, goals and targets. This enables more accurate decisions to be made about managing and
developing both team and individual performance.​

Ensure that your team’s actions directly link to strategic objectives​

Coach for high performance

Coaching is an intrinsic part of the performance process. It equips
people with increased tools, knowledge and advice. ​ ​

We offer professional coaching programs to:​
  • CEO’s / MD’s / business owners​
  • Senior Executives​​
  • Managers​​
  • Supervisors​​
  • Teams / project groups ​​
We offer professional coaching programs to:​
  • CEO’s / MD’s / business owners​
  • Senior Executives​​
  • Managers​​
  • Supervisors​​
  • Teams / project groups ​​
Strategic management and transformational leadership skills

Our coaching program makes a tangible difference to a person’s confidence and ability. It covers a wide variety of areas—both personal and professional.​
In particular, it focuses on two major areas.​

  1. Strategic management capability: which provides participants with a rich source of business management expertise. ​
  2. Transformational leadership skills: which have a very significant impact on individual, team and organisational effectiveness.
Time and time again we are thanked for the quality of our advice by the people we coach — and the personal interest that we take in them as individuals.

Ask us about our coaching program which may be accessed
separately from the performance management process, if required.​

Focus on future performance opportunities​

Performance management systems typically look back. ​
Reviewing historical performance helps understand how individuals and teams have performed in the past. While this is helpful, a forward-focused system is a better way to

manage people and is significantly better for the overall organisation. It is in the future where enhancements, modifications, and performance improvements can be made.​

Move beyond historical performance. Manage future outcomes.​

Accelerate your organisation​

Accelerate your organisation​
Achieve higher performance​

Maximise the potential of your human assets with our
unique performance management system.

Maximise the potential of your human assets with our
unique performance management system.​

Partnering with us will help you to thoroughly manage the
ability, performance and motivation of your team. ​

Strategically managing the performance and development
of individuals and teams provides a surprisingly powerful
thrust to an organisation. ​

Our system is designed to help organisations improve
accountability, increase effectiveness, and achieve their
objectives — faster.

Our performance management offering​

Some of the areas of assistance include

  • ​Outlining performance review strategy & policies​
  • Establishing performance measures​
  • Developing data driven reports​
  • Designing and conducting performance review processes​
  • Building high-performance teams​
  • Training and coaching supervisors, managers & executives ​
  • Establishing performance reward systems​
  • Creating competency development frameworks​
  • Assessing and developing competencies​
  • Creating personal development plans​
  • Writing training needs analysis (TNA) reports​
  • Developing talent acquisition and retention strategies ​
  • Reviewing and amending organisational structure​
Organisations we work with​

Our strategic planning processes are tailored for many types of organisations, including:

  • Enterprise level companies​
  • Medium sized businesses​
  • Small businesses / family owned businesses​
  • Not for profit organisations​
  • Government organisations​
  • Business units / departments / teams


Could our motivational performance
management​ process help lift your team and
drive momentum in your organisation?

Benefits of our performance management system​

Various benefits that some of our clients have experienced using
our methods tools, processes and philosophies

  • Faster achievement of objectives​
    Faster achievement of objectives​

    Organisational, group & individual goals and targets more readily achieved

  • Higher employee motivation 
    Higher employee motivation 

    More empowered, confident and focused people

  • Increased accountability​
    Increased accountability​

    Specific accountability measures for individuals and teams

  • Enhanced capabilities
    Enhanced capabilities

    Higher ability of individuals and teams to deliver results

  • Higher employee retention​
    Higher employee retention​

    More loyal managers and employees ​

  • More focused development
    More focused development

    Clearer and more specific improvement plans for individuals and teams

  • Much greater efficiency 
    Much greater efficiency 

    Greater time saving, reduced conflict, confusion and misunderstandings

  • More empowering rewards
    More empowering rewards

    More consistent and empowering reward systems

  • Improved performance control
    Improved performance control

    Increased ability to control and manage performance

  • More effective teams​
    More effective teams​

    Higher team focus on results and the pathway to achieve them

How we partner with organisations

  • Our mission

    Our purpose is to partner with executives and business owners to improve the operational performance of their organisations.

    This may take the form of simply tweaking current practices, or fundamentally transforming them. We do this with a mix of world-class methodologies and a human-centered approach that helps to ‘move their organisations’ — taking them to the next level of performance.

    Along the way, we impart knowledge, develop skill and implement processes to ensure that the organisation sustains and builds upon the improvements.


We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach

We recognise that all organisations are different and require a unique approach. We believe in the provision of bespoke, tailor-made solutions for each client. Our work is specifically designed around our client’s context, needs, and desired outcomes.

  • Formality

    Formality We follow a proven, formal process.

  • Discipline

    Discipline We follow a disciplined system — and we command discipline for it from our clients and their stakeholders.

  • Experience

    Experience We are highly experienced practitioners who are respected for our accomplishments and abilities.

Would you like to talk about change at your organisation?​

We offer a free, no-obligation one hour discussion about how we can enhance the process of change in your organisation.
Whether you are a large or small entity, we’d be happy to assist you in understanding all off of the options, benefits and
pathways to delivering effective transformation. All of our conversations are strictly confidential.​

Contact Us To Arrange A Discussion

Our services – stand alone, or integrated

We offer each of our key services as a stand-alone project, or integrated with our other specialities.
Some organisation’s start with strategy and then move on to implementation, change management and performance management. Others simply engage us for one service.

Click on the icons below to be taken to our other services.


Request A Complimentary Discussion

Brief us regarding your requirements below and let’s connect

We would be delighted to speak with you. We understand that every organisation is different and that sometimes it’s difficult to know exactly what to do or where to start. Kindly fill out the form, or e-mail us telling us about your organisation and what you would like to discuss. We will then be in touch to arrange a suitable time for a confidential discussion.

It would be our pleasure to assist you. We look forward to talking with you soon.