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Thanks for reaching out

We appreciate you using the Quick Enquiry form to make contact with us.

We realise that you are busy so thanks for taking a few moments to fill out the form or e-mail us.

Feel free to share with us any details that will help us respond to your enquiry. All information is treated in the strictest confidence.

It would be our pleasure to assist you.
We look forward to being in contact with you soon.

We do strategic planning

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We do strategic implementation

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We do change management

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We do performance management

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We do coaching and training

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We do customized workshops

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World-class, human-centred programs

World-class, human-centred programs

Our human-centered processes are world-class and are central to ensuring that organisational transformation is both robust and sustainable. For us, how transformation is approached is just as important as what is done along the way.

Critical processes such as strategic planning have typically been ‘administered’ by organisations in a very sterile and boring manner. Our approach is different. We make it exciting and interesting and deliver it with a style that elicits engagement from people — helping to create positive momentum and obtaining wide-spread buy-in across the organisation.

A partnership based approach

Our philosophy is to work in partnership with our clients. The stronger the collaboration, the better the results. We bring to the table very strong methodology and decades of experience. When this is combined with our clients' industry knowldege, it becomes a very powerful and compelling proposition.

Our Services

Our programs are implemented into organisations as either a package, or as individual interventions.

  • Strategic Planning
  • Organisational Diagnostic
  • Executive Team Alignment
  • Strategic Execution / Implementation
  • Organisational Structure & Efficiency Planing
  • Integration & Maximisation Of Resources
  • Leadership & Management Capability Development
Performance Management
Performance Management
  • Performance Management System Development
  • Team Motivation
  • Establishing Goals, Targets and KPI’s
  • Executive Coaching / Training (leadership, management and soft skills)
Change Management
Change Management
  • Change Readiness Assessment
  • Perception Management
  • Communication & Influencing


We have implemented solutions for clients with varying needs, which have typically been one or more of the following:

  • Organisational growth — local, national or international growth
  • Organisational transformation — culture change, process change, technology change, etc
  • Executive team alignment / business unit integration / transformational leadership development
  • Behavioural change — personal, organisational or industry-wide
  • Organisational re-structure — re-shaping business units, divisions and teams
  • Entity re-structure — mergers and acquisitions
  • Transformational leadership coaching and soft skills development
  • Brand development & rejuvenation
  • Digital integration
  • Product roll out

Transformational leadership, management and soft skills training

When an organisation aspires to change, develop or grow its people must do so, first. Enhanced or additional capabilties are needed to drive the change and take the organisation in a new direction.
These capabilities are often wide ranging and span the domains of transformational leadership, management and soft skills.


We offer training in:

  • Transformational leadership, Strategic Planing and High Performance Management
  • Management skill - general management and change management
  • Soft skills - coaching, communication, teamwork, public presentations,time management

We offer two type of coaching to leaders:

  • Change management coaching
  • Performance management coaching
Strategic growth and transformation program
Strategic growth and transformation program icon

Strategic growth and transformation program

Our strategic growth and transformation program is very popular with organisations that want to expand their operations. The program is specifically designed around short, medium and long term growth aspirations. It is a bespoke, tailor-made program that includes various elements from our core offering (strategic planning, implementation, change management, performance management, coaching and training, etc).

The program is suitable for any organisation who wants to grow and develop and is typically implemented into the following organisations.

  • Medium sized business
  • Small and medium sized businesses (SME's)
  • Not-for-profit organisations
Project and program management

Project and program management

Organisations in transition often require projects to be managed as part of their overall transformation. We use our expertise to manage specific projects or programs of work. These may be undertaken on a stand-alone basis or in conjunction with some of our other services such as change management.

Business turnaround

Business turnaround

We provide business turnaround services where transformation is required with significantly greater speed. Issues and challenges are addressed in a prioritsed, systematic way and a strategy and implementation plan is developed to help move the business into a position where it can develop itself in a more robust and sustainable way.
Solution workshops

Move your team forward with a custom-made solution workshop specifically designed for them.

Solution workshops icon

Solution workshops

Our solution workshops have big impact!

Our workshops are a great way to motivate your teams. They address critical topics and move a team forward — quickly.

Solution workshops may be conducted for a variety of circumstances. They address specific subject matter and are heavily tailored to the needs of your organisation and team(s).


The following is a sample of the kinds of workshops that could be conducted.

  • Transformational Change Planning
  • Business Integration And Functionality
  • Strategic Planning For Superior Performance
  • Strategic Plan Review
  • Implementing High Growth Strategies
  • Developing World Class Leaders
  • Visioning Workshop
  • Developing A High Performance Team / Workplace Culture
  • Management Team Alignment
  • Innovation Workshop
  • Managing Customer Perceptions
  • International Growth And Expansion

Many other types of workshops may be delivered. Please contact us and share your requirements so that we can design a workshop specifically for your team.

Could your organisation benefit from our services? Let’s talk.

We offer a free, no-obligation one hour discussion about what can be done to develop and enhance your organisation, business unit, department or team. Whether your challenge is small and requires minor adjustments, or a complex major intervention, we'd be happy to help you understand all of the options, benefits and possible pathways forward.
All our conversations are strictly confidential.

Contact us to arrange a discussion
transformational processes

It's both what we do, and how we do it that makes the difference

We offer hard-core, transformational programs with a human-centred approach — to obtain maximum value, buy-in and results.


Request A Complimentary Discussion

Brief us regarding your requirements below and let’s connect

We would be delighted to speak with you. We understand that every organisation is different and that sometimes it’s difficult to know exactly what to do or where to start. Kindly fill out the form, or e-mail us telling us about your organisation and what you would like to discuss. We will then be in touch to arrange a suitable time for a confidential discussion.

It would be our pleasure to assist you. We look forward to talking with you soon.