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The two key ingredients for high-momentum, fast-moving change

Posted on Sep 17, 2020 by st_admin

It’s the ultimate aim of organisational executives: a change process that is successful, high impact, builds strong momentum and results in quicker and faster transformation.  

Such change often far exceeds expecations. And its compelling thrust ensures that it is much less expensive due to its rapid completion time. Sometimes, far less.

But how can it be done?  

There are many factors that combine together to make it happen.  In this article we will focus on the two key ingredients that help make change happen easier, faster and with high-momentum.

Excitement and energy

The first is the creation of ‘excitement and energy’ in and for the change process. Creating this will help propel the process forward.  And, if managed well, the anticipation around the change process becomes highly contagious. Once this momentum ‘takes off’, it is virtually unstoppable.

In effect, the energy and momentum behind the process creates the conditions where it effectively self-sustains its own change and transformation. The back thrust is so compelling that it automatically draws people along its pathway — without needing the kind of heavy lifting that most people associate with change, development, and transformation. 

People want it to happen and they jump into the slipstream that the change momentum has created.

Emotional engagement

The second key ingredient, emotional engagement, is very much related to the first.

When a stakeholder in the development or change process feels that they truly own the process — that it is theirs and that they are an intrinsic part of it — they are less likely to resist it and more likely to positively influence others.

They then become a part of the solution, not the problem.

Emotional engagement is a powerful force. When imbedded deep into psyche of people — and added to excitement and energy of a change process — things can move very rapidly.

A new reality

When a change process achieves high momentum and there is a movement towards positive change, it comes as welcome relief for business executives and owners who experience it. Many have waited years — if not decades — for a transformational change to break through the crippling inertia that has held their organisations back for so long. 

For them, it is a surreal experience.

For the first time they see their people step-up and take on things that they have never tried in the past. The “immense challenges” for which their teams had once labored, now appear so much smaller.  All of a sudden, they look easily attainable. A new paradigm exists in the minds of their people. A totally different line of thinking emerges.

A compelling confidence spreads across the organisation.

With the many challenges associated with change interventions, the notion of the process “taking off” and creating comprehensive, organisation-wide change may seem challenging and illusive.  However, it is possible with excitement, energy and emotional engagement at its core.

And when it is achieved, the organisational benefits are, truly, profound.

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